Newborn Care in the Hospital

Newborn Care in the Hospital

It is not uncommon for parents to have misconceptions about how their hospital stay will go after the arrival of their child. While there are plenty of joyous moments to celebrate together with family, there are also some unique challenges that come along with caring...
How do I Tell Multiples Apart?

How do I Tell Multiples Apart?

Based on an article from Huffington Post, citing studies done by the CDC, “the birth rate for twins has increased a whopping 76 per cent since 1980.” With the prevalence of multiples on the rise, there is a need for more information and resources on dealing with...
Small Space Living

Small Space Living

Shopping during pregnancy can be so fun, but do you hear yourself thinking “so much stuff, so little space!” every time you walk down the gear aisle? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. One of the challenges we often see while we are providing Washington, D.C. newborn care...
Newborn Activities and Play Ideas

Newborn Activities and Play Ideas

A common question that arises from many new parents after they bring their baby home is, “what can I do with my child and what is appropriate regarding play?” There are many ways to play and interact with your baby that can make deep, lasting memories for you while...