Knowing the difference between the very common “baby blues” and the less common but very serious postpartum depression is incredibly important. Both for an expecting mother and those who are close around her. The symptoms can often be interchangeable, however they differ in a few ways and in the intensity experienced. Being informed and prepared is the best way to combat both of these issues. Please be aware that every mothers experience will be unique- not all of these symptoms will apply to everyone- they are just a general idea.

Baby Blues:

Experienced by 70-80 percent of new mothers
Lasts for around 2 weeks
Mild ups and downs
In-explainable weepiness
Feelings of sadness
Can be described as “very bad PMS”
Lack of concentration


Postpartum Depression:

Experienced by 10-20 percent of new mothers
Lasts much longer than a few weeks
Can begin within the first 2-3 months after giving birth, but can show up even later
Symptoms are similar to those above, however they are more severe and prevents you from functioning normally
Ups and downs
In-explainable weepiness
Feelings of sadness
Lack of concentration
Lack of interest in the baby
Changes in eating and/or sleeping
Thoughts of hopelessness
Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
Loss of interest in your normal interests and activities
Feeling incompetent as a mother
Excessive worry about the baby’s health
Low self-esteem
Feeling overwhelmed
Lack of emotion


We hope that any new mother who experiences either of these conditions feels no shame. There is a very real stigma that exists in our culture surrounding mental illness of any kind. Giving birth is a beautiful, wonderful time for a family- and that can still be true even if you experience the baby blues or postpartum depression. It does not make you a lesser than mother. The hormone changes that happen to a mother who has recently been pregnant and then given birth are astounding- please don’t let these physical and chemical changes make you to feel that you aren’t the very best mother for your little one! Please reach out. Please ask for help.

Call you doctor
Tell someone close to you
Call 800-944-4773
or visit




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