It is not uncommon for new moms to have the misconception that breastfeeding just happens on its own. This idea stems from a lack of dialog surrounding the work involved in breastfeeding that gives most people in the general populous the wrong impression of how breastfeeding works. Many women are often surprised at how difficult it can be to start or continue feeding their baby breast milk. Often, it is the presence of breastfeeding support that helps a mother achieve their breastfeeding goals. Read on to learn more about breastfeeding support and its role in developing and maintaining your supply.

Importance of Encouragement

Whether you’re just starting out or have been at it for months, encouragement from your partner, friends, and family is one of the most important types of breastfeeding support. Simple reminders of the amazing things that your body is capable of can have an enormous impact on a new mom’s ability to push through tough times they may experience as they work on building or maintaining their supply. Encouragement can also take the form of acts of service such as keeping mom’s water cup full, washing pump parts, or taking over some of the feeding duties to allow cracked nipples to heal.

Professional Help

Spending time with a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is an excellent way to receive breastfeeding support. A CLC or IBCLC can help you assess latch issues, make recommendations on different holds or techniques to use to improve your breastfeeding experience, or even help you find the best pump for you. Their training and knowledge base is a valuable tool for you when you have a question or need someone to walk you through an issue. HHLB is proud to provide lactation and breastfeeding consultations to our clients so please contact us if you need breastfeeding support.


There are numerous places to find breastfeeding support online or in your local community. Facebook contains plenty of groups (both public and private) dedicated to breastfeeding and the various challenges that come along with it. There are also different groups, websites and blogs such as La Leche League and KellyMom that can provide answers to your questions or direct you towards other local resources. Doing a quick internet search for your area should net you plenty of options to choose from that will be a help to you in your journey.