Newborn Milestone Categories

It’s no surprise that newborns go through an exceptional degree of growth and development during the first year of their life. Considering all the things that a one-year-old can do as compared to a baby after birth, it is not surprising that the changes are so drastic. While these differences tend to stand out, there are many other incremental developments that are just as important. Continue reading for some newborn milestone categories that can be used to understand the maturation of your child’s bodily systems.

Growth Charts

One of the most easily recognizable newborn milestone categories is the change in physical attributes of your child. Typically, when discussing growth charts, the two main parameters of interest are height and weight. For an example growth chart, check out the World Health Organization’s official growth charts here. These tables are based on the development of breastfed babies and provide percentile statistics for both height and weight based on a child’s age.

Developmental Milestones

The progression of social, emotional, language, communication, cognitive, and movement skills constitute another newborn milestone category. By understanding and tracking your child’s behavior as they grow, you can determine whether they are learning at an appropriate pace and be able to spot potential developmental issues that may exist. In many cases, early detection of these kinds of problems can aid in correcting them before they become more serious. The CDC has a checklist for developmental milestones for ages two months, four months, six months, and one year can be found here. The checklist not only includes behaviors you should expect from your child at the given ages but also what actions warrant a call to the doctor.

Immunization Schedule

While it may seem unconventional, the vaccination schedule for babies is actual an excellent newborn milestone indicator. The ability of a baby to accept vaccines and ward off disease is an excellent indicator that the internal organs and immune system are functioning correctly. Additionally, immunizations are typically performed as part of a well visit which allows your pediatrician to examine your child and ask questions that can decipher normal development from the abnormal.

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