Surviving the Holidays with a New Baby

It’s that time of year again when families begin getting together to celebrate all they have to be thankful for and spreading the spirit of giving. That’s right folks; the holiday season is upon us once again. While it can be a wonderful time for families with older children, the six weeks from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day can be a real trial for new parents. Continue reading for some excellent tips on surviving the holidays with a new baby.

You Can’t Do Everything

While many of us are tempted to believe that things will be no different than any other year, it is unwise to deny the fact that babies change things. The structure that exists at home is an integral part of an infant’s growth and development. As such, scheduling your activities, visits, trips, and outings is extremely necessary. However, meticulous planning is not just so you can maintain a nap or feeding schedule for your new baby but also to keep you from stretching yourself too thin. As the saying goes, “you can’t make all of the people all of the time,” so choose wisely and minimize your stress.

Prioritize Traditions

Regardless of what you choose to include in your daily schedule, it is an excellent idea to prioritize family traditions over other activities. It can also be smart to discuss which customs are most important to you and your partner. For instance, perhaps your family loves Thanksgiving, or your partner’s family has a specific set of activities they do on Christmas Eve. Knowing about these traditions can make it easier to break up the holidays and make sure everyone gets to meet the new baby.

Eat, Drink, and Sleep

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it is quite easy to neglect yourself or forget to do some of the necessary things required to keep you operating in top shape. One area that can be easily overlooked is water consumption. Staying hydrated is especially vital if you are breastfeeding as your body will find it tough to make milk without water. Likewise, you should do your best to maintain your caloric intake to help you maintain your strength and keep you and your new baby healthy. Finally, don’t neglect your sleep and make sure to include time to rest on your schedule.

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