Teething Symptoms and Tips

During the first year of life, children go through an incredible amount of growth and development. As a result, there are a ton of milestones to prepare for especially within the first six months. One milestone that significantly alters the appearance and behavior of your baby is the arrival of teeth. However, since a lot of the process of “cutting teeth” is unseen by parents, it can be tough to know when it is happening without being familiar with the signs. Below you will find some common teething symptoms and a few tips to help your little one deal with the process.

Gumming or Chewing on Everything

As your baby’s teeth begin to move below the surface of their gums, the gums may swell or otherwise become inflamed. The excess blood flow can be quite uncomfortable to little ones, and many of them quickly discover that pressure can provide some temporary relief. As a result, one of the more common teething symptoms is gumming or chewing on everything they can get their hands on. One of the best ways to encourage this behavior (while not having your child destroying items in your home) is to provide them with teething toys or other safe items for them to chew. One toy we love is this broccoli teether from Little Toader.


Another of the most common teething symptoms is unexplained fussiness or being irritable for no reason. Make no mistake about it; teething can be downright painful for little ones who have never experienced that sort of sensation. Due to the pain, they are experiencing; many babies will break out crying or seek relief where ever it may be found. However, you should talk to your pediatrician about when it is appropriate to give your baby pain-relieving medication. Be sure you are giving them pain relievers that are meant for newborns and infants specifically.

Bring on the Water Works

While we were just discussing crying, the waterworks we are referring to here comes from the excessive amount of drool that is a major teething symptom. However, since drooling may be characteristic of other things as well, it is advisable to consider what other symptoms may be present. The excess saliva can lead to coughing or gagging. As long as there are no other signs of cold, flu or allergies, there is no cause for concern but if you feel uncomfortable always consult your doctor.

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