Tips for Traveling Post Baby: Couples Trip

Life after baby can be hard on a marriage. Your world has turned upside down- in the most beautiful and wonderful way. But there is certainly less time and energy for your relationship with your significant other.

So when you feel ready, a couples trip is a fantastic way to reconnect and refresh together. A full nights sleep never hurt either. =)


So first things first, you have to decide when it is the right time. Leaving baby for the first time will always be hard, but there is a sweet spot where the benefits outweigh the sadness.

Many experts recommend leaving baby overnight for the first time no earlier than 3-4 months. But of course, this decision is totally up to you. It will be so different for everyone. As far as baby, separation anxiety will begin around 9 months, so if possible getting away before then might be a great idea. A few questions to ask: Who will watch baby, and am I totally comfortable with their ability? Are you breastfeeding- how will you manage with pumping and supply? How far away will we travel?


Once you’ve decided you’re ready to get away together, the next decision is is where to? Depending on your comfort level, you can choose a fabulous exotic destination, or simply spend your first few nights away in your own city. If this is your first baby and you already know its going to be hard, a staycation couples trip may be the best idea. It’s a great chance to explore your city, or someplace within a few hours drive. Find a fabulous hotel you love or one you’ve always been wanting to try, make some dinner reservations, and plan a fun touristy activity! You can make one night work if you’re nervous about leaving baby, but 2+ nights really makes it feel more like a true vacation.

If you think you’ll be totally fine on a couples trip for a few nights away from baby, by all means- pick a beach or a mountain and get you and your honey there! (PS- This does NOT make you a bad mom! Getting a break is ESSENTIAL and those who have a bit of an easier time with it are actually at an advantage! You’ll return home refreshed and better able to parent.) Like I suggested for a girls trip, one great idea for a little one who still isn’t sleeping through the night is to hire a night nanny to help out grandparents, or even another nanny who will be taking care of the kiddos. While you’re away, allowing the main caretaker to get a good nights rest will be so helpful!

Visit this post too for great tips about how to organize and prepare for leaving baby!


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