Yesterday my husband and I tackled buying a stroller. I knew going into the process that there were more choices in the types of strollers than anyone should have to navigate alone. It really helps to know how you intend to use your stroller because of the numerous choices. I was also glad I brought along my hubby to “test” out the product, as he will be using the stroller too.
Going into our process I pretty much knew I wanted a multi-function stroller like the UppaBaby Vista, Baby Zen or the Bugaboo Cameleon. We also considered something a little smaller like a CityMini, but ultimately decided that a multi-function was best for everyday neighborhood use like walking to the park. I know I will not be putting this stroller in my car and taking it out every day so things like weight were not as important to our decision.
Here are factors that I am taking into consideration for a multi-function stroller.
- Carseat adaptability
- Capabilities to grow with baby #2 (attachments)
- Under seat basket space and accessibility
- Attachable bassinet for newborn phase
- 4 wheels vs 3 wheels
- Price
- Extras
The Bugaboo ranks #3 of the 3 multi-function strollers in my opinion. It is a 4 wheel unit with a sleek design.
- Over 10 color options and variations
- Snap and go capabilities
- Reversible handle bar to adapt to rougher terrain with large wheels in front
- Adjustable handle bar
- 3 position tilt seat
- Pricy: Right now you can get a Cameleon for $800 because the Cameleon 3 is coming out in September 2012. A new one will be close to $1200 with all the extras.
- No second seat attachment for baby #2
- Must take the seat out to fold
- Hard to get to the basket under the seat
- Tires can go flat
The Zen Stroller by Bloom is a newer multi-function stroller on the market. It has a sleek design like the Cameleon, with a few different pros.
3 Wheels, which make navigation much smoother
- Snap and go capabilities, plus a Cybex adapter, which the other two do not have
- 3 position tilt seat
- Collapsible with the infant seat in place
- Light in front of stroller for safety
- Easy fold and handling once folded. No need to pick up as it wheels when folded up.
- 3 position handle bar tilt
- Baby bassinet which completely folds up when not using. It is called the Yoga
- Small under seat storage
- Limited color options
- No second seat attachment
- Pricy: The Zen stroller is $800, plus $200 for the Yoga. It will still run about the same price as the Cameleon,but in my opinion the pros out weight the cons.
Lastly is the Uppa Baby Vista. We decided on this stroller of the three options. The pro ultimately out weighed the very few cons we found.
Second seat adaptability for baby #2 without having to buy another stroller
- Collapsible with infant seat in place
- Adjustable handlebar
- 3 position tilt
- Over 8 color options
- Large under basket and easy accessibility to it with seat in place
- Reversible infant seat
- Cheapest of the 3 choices at $699 including the bassinet
- Tires wont go flat
- 4 Wheels
- Hardest of the 3 to fold, though still possible once you get the hang of it