Tips for Traveling Post Baby: Girls Trip

Girls trips are some of the most fun you can possibly have. Being able to get away from the stresses of daily life + quality time with a group of forever friends is a sure win.

But girls trips get a little trickier post baby. There are a few extra steps when it comes to escaping. Here are a few tips to help make the most of your time away while making sure baby is happy at home!

So. Much. Organization.

If you thought packing your bags was hard, be prepared for what it takes to travel with or without children. So… start prepping for this trip weeks in advance. Literally you could never start too early. We know there are many Dads today who are equally involved in baby’s care as mom- and to those Dads we say- nice work! And that will take a big load off of you in prepping for your trip. But that isn’t always the case. If Dad, grandparents, or whoever will be watching baby will need some extra help, don’t miss a beat. You’d MUCH rather over prepare than have to deal with a million text questions throughout your trip. You’ll be missing baby enough as it is. A few things to prep:

  • Schedule or a basic schedule overview (if baby still doesn’t stick to a schedule)
  • A list of any rules you try to stick with
  • List of where everything is
  • Medical info and Insurance card
  • Emergency contact sheet- relatives, neighbors, friends, etc.
  • Permission for any pickup/dropoff (daycare or school)
  • Tips for soothing baby
  • Make a copy of all your travel info- flights, hotel, etc.
  • Consider some new toys and/or books to save for while you’re gone to keep baby entertained
  • Any other notes- if you feel like being a little extra and leaving pages and pages, do it. Whatever is going to make you feel comfortable!
  • Car seats- and a link for a how to install YouTube video
  • Cash for any outings or emergencies
  • Stock the fridge and pantry
  • Make a tentative plan for how often you will be in touch
  • Put together outfits for baby ahead of time and set out pajamas, sweatshirts, socks, etc.

Overnight Care

If you have a little one still getting up in the night, hiring an overnight newborn care specialist to help out Dad, grandparents, or anyone else who will be taking care of baby is a fabulous idea! Allowing baby’s caregiver a full nights sleep will keep them refreshed. They will be able to take care of baby well during the day, which will give you so much peace of mind! You can also hire a sitter for a few hours at a time during the day for breaks too.

Prepare for the Mom Guilt

There’s a pretty good chance you’ll feel a little guilty or miss your fam something terrible at some point during your trip. Prepare in advance with a few truth statements: I deserve a break. Taking care of myself and recharging my batteries helps me take care of my family. The trip will pass by quickly, I should make the most of the time I have.


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