New Parent Support Systems

The anticipation of becoming a new parent is often filled with excitement as you begin a new chapter in your life and tend to grow closer to your partner. However, the addition of a new life to your family creates an exceptional amount of change. Your sleep patterns, how you spend your time, the condition of your house, and even the average decibel level at home may all change with the arrival of a little one. These changes can feel overwhelming and may be hard to handle without help. Read on to learn more about new parent support systems that many families use during the transition.

Family and Friends

Probably the most common of all the new parent support systems is to utilize assistance from family and friends. Generally speaking, this group tends to be helpful in providing meals, caring for the baby so you can sleep, or provide practical service in other ways. Relying on the support of family and friends is especially common behavior during the first few weeks after a child is born.


Another one of the critical new parent support systems is finding a community to which you belong. This can take many forms but having people you connect with that are a daily or regular part of your life. Faith and religious organizations are an excellent place to find community support. Many of these organizations have groups specifically for new parents to commune together. Your neighbors can also be a source of community as they are people who are nearby and may be able to offer assistance at a moment’s notice. Last but not least, you may consider joining a mom group for the camaraderie that accompanies shared experiences of the same life stage.

Local Resources

Additional new parent support systems may be found in the use of local resources within your city or county. A prime example of this type of support system is La Leche League which is an international organization with resources in many communities around the country. They are an organization committed to helping new parents understand breastfeeding and provide support for mothers who choose to breastfeed. There are also a variety of postpartum support groups that can assist you in dealing with any trauma you may have experienced during childbirth, during recovery, or even in your new day to day life after the birth of your child.

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