Pregnant Travel Tips

Pregnancy is a special time in the lives of expectant parents, and for first-time parents, there is often a desire to travel and visit with family. However, we are often asked how to be more comfortable while traveling or what precautions they should take to protect them and their baby. Read on for some of our pregnant travel tips to make your journeys more enjoyable.

Limit Travel Time

One thing that makes traveling unpleasant during pregnancy is being stationary and in the same position for long periods of time. Therefore, the first of our pregnancy travel tips is to make sure your take breaks during your trip to walk and stretch. Getting up and moving around helps you maintain healthy circulation and splits up the trip into more manageable segments. You may also consider traveling by car instead of flying as it is much easier to facilitate necessary breaks and restroom stops when driving. If you are traveling internationally, be sure to discuss your travel plans with your doctor and follow their instructions or guidance.


According to the American Pregnancy Association, “pregnant women should drink eight to twelve glasses of water per day in order to ensure that their amniotic fluid is renewed and breast milk production is on track…” So in terms of pregnant travel tips, the advice here is to drink plenty of water during your trip. When you are traveling, it can be very easy to forget to stay hydrated. Hydration can also help to relieve some symptoms of motion sickness that can make for a more pleasant travel experience.

Pregnancy Stage and Flying

The last of our pregnant travel tips concerns knowing when you can and cannot fly as a pregnant woman. Typically, most doctors will not recommend flying after 36 weeks or 32-34 weeks for long flights. However, most women wouldn’t want to fly at this point anyway because of the swelling and restrictive spaces on most commercial aircraft can make it exceptionally uncomfortable. Flying during the first trimester may also present some difficulties for those experiencing morning/motion sickness or extreme fatigue so be sure to discuss any concerns you have with your doctor.

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