Breast Pump History and Technological Advancement

Breast Pump History and Technological Advancement

For mothers who choose to breastfeed, pumping is an activity that often can’t be entirely avoided. However, most people know little to nothing about pumps, their history, or how the have advanced to where they are today. Understanding the evolution of the modern...
Issues and Ailments – Mastitis

Issues and Ailments – Mastitis

While it is often taken for granted, the body’s ability to make milk and deliver it to a baby to sustain and nourish that baby is nothing short of astonishing. Unfortunately, it is often assumed that breastfeeding just happens and that once your supply is established...
Breastfeeding Issues and Ailments – Thrush

Breastfeeding Issues and Ailments – Thrush

Breastfeeding has a wide variety of benefits for mothers and their babies that have been well documented. However, that does not mean that breastfeeding is without its challenges. There are a few different issues and ailments that can arise that create challenges for...
Pumping Must Haves for Breastfeeding Mothers

Pumping Must Haves for Breastfeeding Mothers

As many new moms are aware, breastfeeding typically requires pumping and all the gear that goes along with it. While the essential items needed for pumping tend to be common knowledge, often moms end up with some less than ideal breastfeeding support supplies. In this...
Breastfeeding Support for New Moms

Breastfeeding Support for New Moms

It is not uncommon for new moms to have the misconception that breastfeeding just happens on its own. This idea stems from a lack of dialog surrounding the work involved in breastfeeding that gives most people in the general populous the wrong impression of how...